
CV Rob du Bois


Rob du Bois was born in Amsterdam on the 28th of May, 1934.

He was trained as a lawyer and in that capacity he has been working for many years in the Dutch copyright Society Buma-Stemra. Besides he worked as a pianist, both in chamber music and in modern jazz.

As a composer he is self-taught, although his frequent contacts with composers such as Kees van Baaren and Daniel Ruyneman helped him a lot to find his own way in the world of modern music. His oeuvre consists of orchestral works (i.a. two piano concertos, one violin concerto, one viola concerto and a concerto for two violins and orchestra), chamber music for many different formations, pianomusic and some vocal works. Most of his works are published by the Donemus publishing house in Amsterdam. Works by Du Bois were performed at festivals such as the Warsaw Autumn, the Zagred Biennale, the Settimana in Bucharest, the Holland Festival and the Festival of Witten.

Songs for violin, cello and piano was composed for the Narkissos Ensemble in 1997/98, when two of the members of that ensemble were studying in the Netherlands. It was inspired by a series of poems by the English poet Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892). Although these seven poems served as a source of inspiration one cannot say that there is any specific link between the words of the poems and the music.

Rob du Bois was born in Amsterdam on the 28th of May, 1934.

After having spent seven years at the Amsterdam Vossius Gymna-sium he started a study mathematics, but after a year he decided to switch over to law. In 1961 he took the doctoral degree.

During his law studies he devoted most of his time to music. He had a professional piano schooling and he developed as a composer, in that time mainly of chamber music. His first big orchestral work was performed in the Gaudeamus festival in 1960. Later on his works were performed in international festivals such as the Warsaw Autumn, the Zagreb Biennale, the Holland Festival, the festival of the International Society for Contemporary Music, etc.

As a lawyer he worked with the copyright society Buma/Stemra for almost 32 years (from November 1962 till May 1994). He was a member of the Legal and Legislation Committee of CISAC (1981-1996), of the Comité exécutif of ALAI (1978-1995) and of the board of the Vereniging voor Auteursrecht (1970-1993). He is a honorary member of both the Vereniging voor Auteursrecht and ALAI. He was a member of the CIBRA-committee, which com-mittee reported in 1981 to the Minister of Justice about the future of collec-tive exploitation of copyright. And he is member of the edi-torial board of Informatierecht AMI, of which periodi-cal he was in 1977, together with Herman Cohen Jehoram, the founder.

Since 1994 he works as an independent composer and legal adviser in copyright matters.

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